25 Ways to Get Out of a Creative Slump (and the Tools to Help!)

25 Ways to Get Out of a Creative Slump (and the Tools to Help!)

Creativity is a wonderful yet often unpredictable journey at best! As creatives, we thrive on inspiration and the excitement of bringing ideas to life. I can attest that I spend hours deciding on colors and getting everything just right for a piece I am curating. However, there are times when we find ourselves caught in a creative slump—a frustrating experience that can leave us feeling uninspired, stuck, and disheartened. Whether you're a designer, artist, crafter, or any other type of creative, it's not uncommon to encounter moments when your imagination feels like it’s run dry. The good news is that these slumps are temporary, and with the right strategies and tools, you can reignite your passion and enthusiasm. In this post, I share 25 effective ways to break free from a creative block, offering practical tips to help you rediscover your spark. It’s defiantly helped me time and time again. From using engaging resources like my clipart to changing your environment, these suggestions will empower you to unleash your creativity and get back to doing what you love. So fear not and let’s dive into the world of inspiration and find out how to turn that creative slump into a springboard for new ideas!

Here are 25 ways to get out of a creative slump—plus the tools and resources (including my clipart!) that will give you the boost you need.

1. Change Your Scenery

Sometimes all you need is a change of environment. Take a walk, sit at a café, or rearrange your workspace to invite fresh energy.

2. Use Pre-Made Clipart

If creating from scratch feels overwhelming, start by using pre-made elements. My clipart can be a great starting point! Choose from a variety of themes to inspire your next project.

3. Try a Different Medium

Switch it up! If you’re a digital artist, try sketching by hand. If you’re a crafter, experiment with digital design tools like Canva or Procreate.

4. Set a Timer and Create for 10 Minutes

This trick can help reduce the pressure. Set a timer and create without judgment for 10 minutes. You'll be surprised how freeing this can be.

5. Look for Inspiration on Pinterest

Pinterest is a goldmine for creative inspiration. Search for your favorite themes, trends, or colors to spark new ideas.

6. Use Templates

Sometimes, starting with a blank canvas is the hardest part. Use pre-made design templates to kickstart your creativity, especially for quick social media or project mockups.

7. Collaborate with Others

Partnering with another creative can spark new ideas and bring you out of your slump. Share your designs and see where collaboration leads!

8. Keep a Sketchbook

Sometimes low-tech is the best way to get ideas flowing. Carry a small sketchbook and jot down ideas, even if they seem random or silly. This is one of my favorites.

9. Listen to Music or a Podcast

Find a playlist that sparks creativity or listen to a podcast focused on design, crafting, or entrepreneurship.

10. Use Creative Software

Sometimes new tools lead to new ideas. Try design software like Canva, Photoshop, or Illustrator to experiment with your work. My clipart works seamlessly with these platforms.

11. Get Inspired by Nature

Nature is one of the most consistent sources of creative energy. Go outside, soak in the colors, shapes, and textures—then bring those elements into your work.

12. Start with a Small Project

Big projects can feel overwhelming when you’re in a slump. Start small! Use a piece of clipart and design a single-page layout, greeting card, or sticker.

13. Join a Creative Challenge

Participating in a 30-day creative challenge or Instagram art prompt can push you out of your comfort zone and back into creation mode.

14. Surround Yourself with Creativity

Fill your workspace with things that inspire you—whether it’s art, plants, or motivational quotes. The energy around you can influence you’re creative mindset.

15. Mind Map Your Ideas

Brainstorm by creating a mind map. Start with a central concept and branch out with ideas—it can help visualize connections between your thoughts.

16. Create with a Limited Palette

Sometimes, constraints help us think outside the box. Challenge yourself to create a design or project using only a limited set of colors.

17. Use My Clipart in Your Projects

If you're feeling stuck, download my collection of clipart. These ready-made elements will help jumpstart your projects, whether you're designing planners, social media graphics, or DIY crafts.

18. Take a Break

Step away from your project for a little while. Allow your mind to relax and reset. Sometimes, the best ideas come when you’re not actively trying.

19. Create Something for Fun

Work on a project without any expectations. Use my digital stickers or clipart to create a fun design for yourself, not for a client or deadline.

20. Experiment with Textures

Incorporate textures into your work—whether it’s through digital overlays, fabric swatches, or textured brushes in your design software. Textures can add depth and fresh energy.

21. Limit Your Tools

Sometimes, having too many options can cause a creative block. Choose just a few tools or assets and limit yourself to those for your next project.

22. Design for a Cause

If you're struggling for motivation, create something that supports a cause you care about. Donate your time and talents to create visuals or content for a nonprofit.

23. Browse Through Old Work

Looking at your previous projects can remind you of how far you’ve come—and sometimes, old ideas can spark new ones.

24. Set Small, Achievable Goals

Break your project into small steps. Achieving these goals, one by one, can help rebuild your momentum and get you out of the slump.

25. Give Yourself Permission to Rest

Sometimes, the slump happens because you're overworked. It’s okay to rest and recharge. Creativity flows best when you’re refreshed.

Bonus Tip: Find Inspiration in New Resources
Don’t forget that creative slumps are normal! One of the best ways to get a boost is by trying something new. Whether it's clipart, digital papers, or design templates, starting with fresh materials can help you break free from creative block and reignite your inspiration.

Explore my collection of creative assets to jumpstart your next project! Click on our Bestseller #floridastrong PNG below and add to your Print On Demand shop!